Saturday, January 28, 2012

What surgery!?!? Dr.Cannon apt info...

There are several different options for surgery as Kenadee gets older. Right now, her urinary stuff has been rerouted to bypass peeing normally. Mito disease makes it hard for Kenadee's muscles, bladder, kidneys to function properly.

Dr. Cannon, her urologist, talked about taking her damaged kidney out (one of her kidneys is "better" than the other & with all her UTIs...her kidneys have been scarred). This would allow all the current "rerouting" to reroute in another way. She would be using one hole to pee out of, instead of 2, and it would go into a bag instead of a diaper. He also talked about doing some easier procedures helping her bladder stay better on the inside. Right now, one of the holes she uses comes directly from her bladder and there is tissue that is always out instead of in :('s kinda like a little piece of her bladder is on the outside of her body and needs to be put back.

Kenadee's ability to come out of anesthesia gets worse and worse as she gets older. Her lung spec explained it to us as she was born with a low battery and as she gets older the battery gets lower and lower :(. All of her doctors have to consult with each other before doing anything really :).

Long story short, we are holding off on any surgeries right now...making sure that a surgery would result in an improvement in Kenadee's quality of life. It's a big chance to take with mito babies and their struggles with anesthesia.

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