My mommy is making herself do a better job of updating my blog! Last Saturday, I was in a beauty pageant. It was a pageant just for kids with special needs just like me. I had so much fun & of course...looked gorgeous! I was also on tv!If you want to see me on the news, click on this link!
My mommy is also updating my bucket list! I am crossing lots of things of my list!
Me, mommy, & daddy right after the pageant! |
Me & daddy |
Me & my poppa |
Me, my poppa, & my nana! |
Me & my mommy. |
I got my hair & makeup/ hair done. As you can see, I wasn't too excited about the hair part. |
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Sleepy Princess! |
My Bucket List...
Ride in a convertible and feel the wind in my hair
Blow bubbles with mommy and daddy
See my daddy fish with KVD..he watches him all day on t.v. while he's home with me
Go to the zoo & feed the animals
Play with Playdoh
Go bowling
Go to the movies in my pajamas
Get a mani-pedi
Go on a boat
Paint a picture for mommy & daddy
Have as many birthday parties as people want to have with me
Play Hide & Seek
Lose my first tooth and get a present from the tooth fairy
Have a tea party
Sleep with mommy & daddy because there is a boogyman in my closet
Be a flower girl in a wedding
Ride in a Ferris wheel
Ride a horse
Teach the world about Mito disease
Help find a cure so kids like me can use their muscles to walk, talk, hug their loved ones, and live a long lasting healthy life
Be on the Ellen Show - maybe she can help spread the word
Meet Oprah or Ellen - maybe they can help spread the word
Meet Oprah or Ellen - maybe they can help spread the word
Have 1,000 followers on my blog
Have a song recorded that was written about me
Learn to write my name
Date night with daddy
Date night with mommy
Overcome my illness
Get a package in the mail from a friend
Meet a celebrity
Make a snow-angel
Catch snowflakes on my tongue
Have a first crush
Write my name is wet cement
Have a man get me flowers
Blow an eyelash & make a wish
Put a smile on a stranger’s face and a thought in their mind
Play in the rain
Go to Disney World
Become a Girl Scout
Make a wish on a dandelion
Hold a kitten, name a kitten, listen to a kitten’s purr
Go to the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade
Listen to a wind chime
Kiss someone on New Years
Pet a real, live bunny
Meet Jennifer Nettles (my mommy loves her ;)